What is the recipe for raising a successful child?
Most of the people used to say that we could only achieve success by studying hard, but I have realised that this is not always true, especially in the age of advances in information technology. The internet and social media has brought us great convenience to allow us start young go on to do awesome things as adult, rather than just paper achievements in school.
It is always impressive to hear about entrepreneurs who successfully crafted outstanding businesses in their early 20s. But how about the entrepreneurial spirit sometimes strikes even younger than that? Then you might interested with the journey of the founders of B Designs, Adam Harith Kamal (13 years old) and Ameer Rayyan Kamal (10 years old), who turned their interest of bead designs into a business.
Let’s listen to the interview of this bead brothers!
1. What inspired you to start a new business venture at this young age?
My father inspired us to start the business at young age.
2. How did the idea for your business come about?
The idea come from when we were playing with it.
3. How do you get capital to start the business?
We actually got the money from our father.
4. What is the most difficult/ challenging thing about running your own business, especially at this young age?
Limited resources like using unsuitable equipment and limited color of beads supplies.
5. What are the most crucial things you have done to grow your business?
Constantly find new and interesting design. Make it and share it.
6. How do you see yourself as a little entrepreneur?
Happy and proud for working at a very young age.
7. What has been your most satisfying moment in business?
When we get our first order.
8. How important have EasyParcel been to your business/success?
We used to pack our products in the envelope and go to the post office to courier it. It took a lot of our time. We have to queue and sometimes the queue was so long. By using EasyParcel, it really makes us sending parcel easy literally. We just need to log in into their website and fill up the details. They provide an excellence door-to-door service. We don’t have to wait in a long queue anymore. They also provide tracking system for us so we can notify our customers on their delivery. We highly recommend all e-commerce businesses to use them because they provides convenient and value for money.
9. Would you encourage others to start their own businesses at this young age? State the reason.
Yes, because it give some extra money and experience.
10. What would you advise to the others little entrepreneur who are starting their own businesses?
It will be a rough start but don’t give up.
Almost all of us think about starting a business at some point. The thought enters our minds when we waiting a lift. Or we hired by others to build theirs and realize we have less control over our work. Or we read a feature news of a successful entrepreneur on newspaper and start fantasizing about making our own riches.
Whatever your own motivation, if you’re going to start an adventure, there’s not an ideal age to start, just do it like Adam Harith and Ameer Rayyan, the cutest little entrepreneur we have ever met.
Let’s start it with us: