Teemi is an online store that specialize in selling top-notch quality yet affordable bags ranging from backpacks, travel bags, kids bags and many more. Hereby we would like to introduce the founder of Teemi by FreeGift Company, Ms Tee Kai Jean to share on her thoughts and experience in running her own business.
1. What ignited the spark in you to start a new business venture?
I am an online shopaholic, used to spend a lot of time to shop online. Then I started to gather orders from my friends, give them advice and help them to place order online. Soon I found myself being excited not only to purchase online, but also earning from my merchandise. I turned myself to a merchant.
2. How did you get the idea/concept for your business?
I learn through other people’s business. I found some good websites and marketplace, I buy from them, I learn the process to introduce your products, handle sales and how to improve customer satisfaction on their purchase.
3. What’s the most difficult/challenging thing about running your own business?
Starting small, tight budget. I have to plan on every ringgit I spent for my business. Either to expand my stock on hot selling products or invest in new product to attract more customer, this is daily challenging question to me.
4. What are some of the biggest mistake you’ve done and what did you learn from that?
Invest in some area or products that I am not familiar with. Always focus on the route you planned for your business.
5. What are the most crucial things you have done to grow your business?
I gave up some high margin categories, to focus on my hot selling products.
6. How has EasyParcel assisted you in your business?
I can check all my shipment instantly from EasyParcel system. Even shipment from previous week or previous month, I can view it in one click. And I compare prices from different courier company.
7. Where do you see yourself and your business in the next 10 years?
I am moving with the fast growing online market now. I wish to master the skills to do branding for my products; my vision for the coming years is to let customers think of my company as a re-known local brand for quality products.
8. How has being an entrepreneur affected your family life?
I have to find balance between my business and my family. Especially I am a mother of 3 kids. My method is to bring my entrepreneur spirit into family bonding time. I guide them how to think like an entrepreneur with daily life example and let them help in some simple operating and planning task.
9. In your opinion, what are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?
Act with Intention – aware of what you’re doing, and why and how you’re doing it. Believe in possibility, set your vision, achieve your goal. Be honest and help people in all the way you can.
10. What would you recommend to the others who are starting their own businesses?
Success comes to those who sustain a consistent effort.
We hope this interview might give some ideas especially to those who are likely to start their own online business in the future. EasyParcel sincerely wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
If you are seeking for high quality yet affordable bags, make sure you check out on Teemi.
Feel free to drop us a message at our Facebook page if you wish to be featured in the next interview! See you soon!

Website: http://www.teemi.my/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeemiMY/